Online coursework for advanced glaciology students
This project and website host a set of tutorials and projects aimed for advanced glaciology students. The content is thoroughly referenced and of high academic quality.
This material was initially proposed to help faculty at research institutions train their students in a wide variety of techniques used in glaciology. While universities with large cryospheric research programs might have well-established courses and course material, institutions with singular or few faculty and lesser numbers of students might not have the need or resources for such courses. In this vain, the material presented on this site can be used directly as guided tutorials or can be a base set of modules from which instructors can draw from and elaborate upon.
This project is currently being developed at the University of Kansas, but there is strong interest in engaging collaborators with varied research interests and specialities.
This project is in active development. Complete, coherent, final versions of a limited number of projects are expected before the start of 2015. In total, the material will be under continuous development into the future.
Content is being generated with the spare time of the developers. As such, updates will be sporadic and of varied quality.
Parties interested in contributing to the project should email Logan Byers ( or send a message over GitHub (@loganbyers). Suggestions, content submissions, and questions are all welcomed.